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What does a Workface Planner do?

The Workface Planner is responsible for the conversion of Construction Work Packages (CWP) into Installation Work Packages (IWP). He/She is also responsible for insuring that all necessary resources are available and constraints are removed prior to releasing the IWP to the field.

A Work face planner participates in project front-end planning and therefore ensures continuity and integration of the work packaging structure between phases. He/She may be located on the jobsite during execution to provide the essential coordination among engineering, procurement, and construction. The Workface planner goal is to ensure the timely issuance of a complete and constructible Installation Work Packages (IWP) that support and are in line with the construction schedule.

Depending on the size of the project and the scope of work to be installed, the workface planner works independently or leads a team of work face planners. The number of workface planners needed is generally sized according to the scope and complexity of the project.

The Construction Owners Association of Alberta (COAA) recommends these planners to be engaged at a rate of 1 per General Foreman or 1 per 50 tradespersons.

A workface planner's responsibilities may include:

  1. Developing/improving IWP templates

  2. Preparing project IWP (determining required activities, resources, quality control, risk planning, interdependencies, interfaces, special requirements, field condition etc.)

  3. Reviewing and monitoring IWP creation process for completeness and accuracy

  4. Monitoring and controlling IWP and advising appropriate parties

  5. Coordinating IWP execution with field supervision, resource coordinators, project controls, quality assurance, engineers, other planners, and operations personnel

  6. Conducting IWP close-outs

Workface Planner WFP

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